Thursday, October 29, 2009

high school

i work in an office where high school comes up regularly. perhaps that is because i work in an orthodontist office and the majority of our patients are in high school. also because the doctor and his wife have a daughter in high school, and we have a part time student employee. i went to waiakea high here in hilo and have to say am quite proud of that. in high school i was one of those over achiever, dorky types. i was definitely very active. i participated in cross-country and track, chaired several activities, and was in "advanced" classes. all while maintaining my social image of course. at that age you think you "know it all" and i did, we all did. although i was a good student, the teenage years are always very turbulent in a household.

at work i am reminded of those wonderful years of adolescence. of course things have changed and i by no means consider this phase of my life as the best, but here is a list of a few of the memories that will never be forgotten:

1. a. lisha-the best friend, the many note writing, gossip parties, sleep overs, dances, clubs, and boys that we were involved with. b. tiff
2. stepping in a hole while running and tearing ligaments in my ankle. the crutches that i was forced to use. and the aircast that came w/it.
3. the boys. enough said.
4. kiwins-initiation, leadership camps, that damn blue shirt, mr. anderson, the dances/events with hilo high (the "other" high school in town)
5. the yearbooks-why was it so relevant that everyone and his brother signed your book, even if it was just to sign their name on their photo? and of course the whole page reserved for the best friend.
6. the dances-some of my favs were MY junior ball and MY senior prom, although i look back on it now and i hate my hair! what were we thinking?
7. french class-mlle (i think that is the correct abbreviation, it's been a while) richardson, 4 years.
8. the quad and "who" stood where
9. male cheer leading-oh yes.
10. mr. olive-chemistry, physics, and science club (yes like i said before i was a dork)
11. 4-H-Kalopa, monthly meetings, the outings, the girls
12. mrs. tanabe's room
13. casey hitting me in the head with a paper airplane in mrs. naungayan's tenth grade GT english class while i was in crutches (boy that was mouthfull)
14. freshman summer-those of you who know it, know it was definitely fun filled
15. summer school
16. the salad bar at lunch
17. ceramics-2 years. i am not the most artistic so it was interesting. p.s. my pieces looked like something made out of play-doh compared to my artist of a sister's pieces.
18. leadership camp
19. graduation
20. working at the pahoa and hilo public libraries
21. memorial day leis-mr. hirai's class (hahaha)

i am sure there are more. what are some of your favorite high school memories?

Monday, October 12, 2009


more blogs to come. i have many ideas stewing in my head, including a continuation on the memory blog.