Friday, September 25, 2009


as i think back at all the friends i have had over the past years i realize that they can be categorized into three types: true friends, acquaintances, and those who fall in between. i can honestly say that i would not trade my true friends for any of the others who fall into the other two categories. thus, i only have a couple of friends who i consider true.

but what makes someone a true friend? to me it is understanding, compatibility, laughter, trust, communication. my best friend and i have lived in different cities for most of our adult lives, but have managed to keep our friendship strong. i KNOW without a doubt that no matter how long between our conversations our next will pick up right where we left off. there aren't very many people that i would do anything for, infact i can count only two: my best friend and my sister. but i know they would do the same for me. perhaps that is the point, a mutual understanding that the other is there without question. i feel completely myself when i am with my best friend and we laugh like there is no tomorrow. i could go on and on about the reasons i love my true friends but i won't. instead i would like to hear your thoughts. what makes a true friend? what are the special qualities in your friends?

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